Discovering Coptic Egypt: The Monasteries

Ezz Al-Turkey

Egyptian monasteries have become very popular tourist destinations, and not just for people on religious tours. Churches and other buildings from the same era have frequently been renovated, yet many historic monasteries remain original owing to their natural desire to stay secluded. Even though pharaonic monuments are the main attractions in Egypt, there is a goldmine of history in Coptic monuments such as monasteries, where Coptic monks dwell and practice their religious traditions. 

The lifestyles of Egyptian monks were very restrained. They made vows of poverty and chastity and submission to the abbot if they were members of a monastic community. They observed protracted fasts regularly, some refrained from meat and alcohol, and they made ends meet by providing services to the locals, such as labor assistance or the sale of tiny handicrafts. The biggest monasteries were frequently self-sufficient, keeping cattle and farms and producing everything they needed, even the bread on their tables and clothing. 

Every old monastery consists of a main church, many chapels, a keep, a garden, a refectory, a flour mill, a water well, and some cells. In addition, there are several workshops, farms, and other facilities including nunneries There are currently over thirty functioning monasteries in Egypt.

Of course, the oldest monasteries in the world are found in Egypt. Like the grave of St. Anthony, which is located in a cave 270 meters below the monastery that bears his name, close to Egypt's Red Sea shore. In the middle of the fourth century AD, his disciples founded what is often considered to be the first monastery in history. 

Not to mention, there are also fascinating female monasteries and convents. Although St. Anthony's Monastery is claimed to be the oldest monastery in the world, the most well-known in Egypt is St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, which is home to a Greek Orthodox community. This is due to a variety of factors, including its fascinating history, visits by the Catholic pope, its immaculate state, its setting at the base of Mount Sinai, and the extensive media attention it receives.

While there are many ancient Egyptian attractions that we should explore and learn more about, it’s crucial not to forget about the important history and architecture of Coptic Egypt. Some of the most renowned historical structures in Egypt are monasteries, and they’re guaranteed to leave you in awe of their magnificence and rich culture.


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