Animal Welfare in Cairo: Shelters and Organizations to Support

One of the things that makes Cairo so special is the daily interactions many of us have with the stray animals that fill her streets, especially in neighborhoods like Maadi where they are well cared for and comfortable around humans. Not everyone who lives here appreciates their presence though, and city streets can be an incredibly harsh place to live. Thankfully, there is a growing community of animal lovers and activists who have made it their life’s work to protect those in need, but they could use our help.

With rising inflation and a growing stray population, these shelters and organizations are understandably overwhelmed and many are struggling to make ends meet. They rely heavily on donations and outside funding, and they can all use a hand every now and then. If you’d like to contribute to the protection of Cairo’s street animals, consider supporting one or more of the organizations below. Every little bit helps!

ESMA (Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals)

Founded in 2007 as a way to protect stray dogs from culling campaigns, ESMA is one of Egypt’s largest and most successful animal welfare organizations. It’s a charitable organization that operates a shelter and adoption center, providing a home for over 2,000 animals. There are a few ways you can support ESMA, from sponsoring an animal or volunteering at the shelter to becoming a flight parent or donating funds that will go towards food and medical care.

Egyptian Vets for Animal Care

EVAC is an NGO created to improve the quality of veterinary care in Egypt, to spread awareness and to protect the country’s animal population by advocating for their rights, from Cairo’s street animals to livestock and wildlife. They provide training and support to young vets and students, and they regularly organize TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) campaigns in order to reduce the numbers of stray animals and make sure they are free of disease. You can support them by donating to TNR Maadi and Zamalek (see below) or by following and sharing their work.

Hope Animal Shelter

HOPE is a non-profit organization and shelter with a large network of sponsors, rescuers and vets that work together to rescue and rehabilitate Egypt’s stray animals. They care for an incredibly large number of dogs, as well as cats, especially those who have suffered serious injuries and are in dire need of medical care. The best way to support them is to donate money (via PayPal - or food directly to the shelter.

TNR Maadi-Zamalek

Two community-based non-profit organizations that were created to reduce, monitor and manage the stray populations of Maadi and Zamalek. They are constantly organizing campaigns to neuter and vaccinate the cats and dogs, very often at the request of residents who are looking to control and protect the strays that live in their area. The best way to manage the stray population is to reduce their numbers, which relieves some of the pressure placed on shelters, and to make sure the animals are healthy, both for them and for us. The cost of the procedure and vaccinations has increased significantly though so they could always use financial support. TNR Maadi has donation jars at Amin Pet Shop on Rd. 9, Ratios Bakery and Mr. Pets on Rd. 233. TNR Zamalek accepts donations via PayPal; if you get in touch with them they will send you a link.

Talya’s Rescue Furbabies & Co

Talya’s is one of the newer organizations dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating stray dogs in Egypt. They provide shelter for hundreds of dogs in need, as well as vaccinations, neutering and any medical care they might need. They are in desperate need of financial help and currently at risk of being shut down; you can support them by donating to their GoFundMe campaign.

SPARE (Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt)

Founded in 2001 and located just outside of Cairo, SPARE is another incredibly successful non-profit organization working towards protecting our animals. They operate a dog shelter and cat shelter, as well as one of the only donkey sanctuaries in Egypt, and they do an incredible amount of community work, from public awareness campaigns to on-the-ground medical care of street animals. They also organize adoptions, both locally and abroad, and this is one way you can support them; adopt or volunteer to be a flight parent to a dog or cat being adopted in Europe or the US. You can also sponsor an animal or one of the shelters for a small monthly fee.


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